Raspberries and Strawberries – Ayurvedic Perspective

Raspberries – 3 different ways to use it as medicine Raspberries are sweet, sour and astringent and cooling with a pungent after digestion effect.  They stimulate Vata and calm Kapha dosha, and Pitta can eat them occasionally. Note: Do not eat milk, yogurt or cheese with raspberries as it may cause hemorrhoids, ulcers and skin diseases.  Try not to eat…

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Coconut – Ayurvedic Perspective

Coconut – 10 different ways to use it as medicine Coconut is sweet and cooling with a sweet after digestion effect. The flesh of the coconut is hard, heavy and oily, and the center is liquid. Coconut pacifies Vata and Pitta, but may aggravate Kapha in excess.  Coconut oil is useful for external application. Note: Coconut water is the juice…

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Lemons and Limes – Ayurvedic Perspective

Lemons – 4 different ways to use it as medicine Lemons sharp, digestive and laxative and stimulate salivation and digestive juices in the stomach.   Lemons calm down Vata, detoxify balance Pitta, but may stimulate aggravated Pitta, and Kapha dosha.   Lemons are sour, and heating and have sour after digestion effect.   Note: Never take lemons with milk, mango,…

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Apples – Ayurvedic Perspectives

Apples – 4 different ways to use it as medicine Apples are good for Pitta and Kapha, and too drying for Vata unless it is well cooked and spiced – The skin of the apple is hard to digest and can cause gas.  Do not eat the seeds of apple, for they are astringent and bitter and can cause Vata aggravation….

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Bananas – Ayurvedic Perspectives

8 different ways to use Bananas as medicine – (use ripe bananas unless otherwise stated) Unripe bananas are astringent and cooling with pungent effect after digestion.  Ripe bananas are sweet and heating with a sour effect after digestion. Bananas are aphrodisiac and energize muscle, fat, and nerve and reproductive tissues. 1. For Emotional, obsessive eating habits: 1 banana chopped up…

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